Porsche 968 Technical Questions and Answers

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Please let us know on the forum if you can help with anything still unanswered.

How to refurbish the ABS on a Porsche 968

How to change the chip in the ECU

Porsche 968 fuse box

What are good track day suspension settings ?

No heat to my feet ! Faulty 968 heater control

What does the DME Relay do ?

Can I use 968 suspension on a 944 ?

How do I remove a 968 gearbox ?

How do I set up the timing on the camshafts ?

Hot Start or starter motor Problems ?

How do I remove my windscreen washer bottle ?

How do I upgrade the brakes on my 968 - How do I upgrade the brakes on my 968 Part 2

What are the spring sizes on the 968 ?

What are adjustable dampers ?

What does engine oil do ?

Which is the best type of engine oil ?

Should I turbo/super charge my 968 ?

Fuel pump starvation !

What does the chassis number mean ?

What are the standard wheel offsets ?

Sticking compressor gauge ?

What are the option codes on a 968 ?

Why does the engine block have 2.7 stamped on it ?

Seat height adjustment on early 944s and 968 Sport and Club Sport ?

Tiptronic malfunction !

Where is the fuel filter located ?

How do I change the dashboard lights ?

How do I convert my 968 to a turbo ?

Mobil 1, should I use it ?

How much should I pay for a VarioCam valve sensor ?

Where can I get a reasonably priced Stainless Steel exhaust ?

Are there any differences between these components on the 944 and 968 ?

How does the headlight mechanism work ?

No sound from my rear speakers !

Where can a I buy a replacement gear lever cover ?

Where can I get OE air conditioning fitted to my 968 Club Sport ?

How do I remove a wiper motor on a 968 ?

What is the problem with the pinion bearings ?

Performance figure discrepancies ?

Quick Q & As

Q. Where is the fuel pump.
A. Located inside a metal shroud near to the offside rear wheel. you'll need to take off a metal strap that supports the shroud.

Q. If the fuel pump isn't working is there anything I can easily check.
. It could be the DME relay in the fuse box. If you bridge pins 30 and 87b in the fuse box the pump should start.

Q. What should the oil pressure gauge read on a 968.
A. The average is between 2-2.5 Bar at warm idle and around 4 - 5 during normal cruising.

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