Chartwell Porsche Approved Bodyshop

As part of the Porsche Cars GB Restoration Competition Chartwell are tasked with restoring a Porsche 968 Club Sport.

After an invitation to visit the workshops and have a look at the 968 Club Sport while it is stripped down some of us jumped at the chance and went along, some of us went twice in the same week, thanks to the guys at Chartwell for making us so welcome and we hope we were of some service with information about the 968.

Chartwell team.

Left to Right:
Chris Brightmore - Chartwell CEO, Callum Harrison – Porsche Centre Leicester Technician
Michael Tennyson – Chartwell Panel Technician, Glenn Monaghan – Porsche Leicester Parts Manager
Thanks again to Chartwell for getting us involved.

The images below give you an idea of how hard they have worked on this project, but then again this is how they got to be an approved Porsche bodyshop. Looking around their workshops attention to detail and pride in their work are phrases that come to mind straight away.

Porsche 968 Club Sport restoration.

Porsche 968 Club Sport restoration.

Porsche 968 Club Sport restoration.

You can see how far the car is being stripped down and is worked on with meticulous attention to detail and this is how Chartwell meets the strict operating standards set out by Porsche Cars Great Britain, and looking at their workshops you're confident if ever your car needed work doing your Porsche will be returned to the exact manufacturer specification and original build quality that Porsche demands.

Porsche 968 Club Sport restoration.

Porsche 968 Club Sport restoration.

Porsche 968 Club Sport restoration.

Porsche 968 Club Sport restoration.

Porsche 968 Club Sport restoration.

Porsche 968 Club Sport restoration.


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