Porsche News

Porsche in Hungary (18-12-2008)

In 2008 Porsche Hungaria expects to sell around 35,000 cars as opposed to the figure in 2007 which was closer to 40,000. Managing Director of Porsche Hungaria, Janos Eppel, was answering probing questions at a press conference. He also projected that in 2009 they may only sell around 28,000 cars.

Porsche Hungaria has approximately 120 dealerships involved in selling or servicing Porsche cars in Hungary. Some of them also sell the main Volkswagen Audi Group (VAG) brands such as Audi, Skoda, Seat and VW.
The financial crisis has hit the Porsche dealerships hard in Hungary and is is expected that some of them may have to close(possibly up to 10 percent) with the related loss of jobs. It is reported that moves will be made to try to merge some of the dealerships to try to cut the overheads involved in a Porsche dealership

It is hoped that with financial and managerial assistance from the Porsche and VAG groups the damage that the financial crisis can be limited.

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